Building Construction

Report for 2016

Report for 2015

Connect With Us

Here you will find contact details for our services and the markets we work in.

Our vision is to be a recognized leader.

In keeping with Aufbau’s business model, contracting assignments are also executed for Aufbau’s development streams. This collaboration generates large construction assignments, as well as synergies for the Group. Project and synergy opportunities are also generated thanks to the financial expertise within the Group. A combination of financial strength and global expertise in project development and construction enables Aufbau to take on large, complicated projects for international clients with high expectations for quality and execution. In the very largest projects that require highlevel performance guarantees, few competitors can measure up to Aufbau in terms of skills and strength

Our vision is to be a recognized leader.
  • checkOur vision is to be a recognized industry leader in Ethics. To us, this means being mindful of who we work with and on which projects.
  • checkOur goal is to achieve zero ethical breaches – and we will never compromise our standards.
  • checkThis means that in all our projects, our employees, suppliers, subcontractors, agents, joint ventures and other partners understand and live by the ethical values expressed in our Code of Conduct.

Our Ways of Adding Value


How We Do It

In keeping with Aufbau’s business model, contracting assignments are also executed for Aufbau’s development streams.


Where We Do It

We are active in a number of selected home markets in the Nordic Region (Sweden, Norway, Finland)


What We Do

Aufbau’s Construction business stream builds & renovates buildings, infrastructure, industrial facilities and residences.

Construction is recognized as one of the most dangerous industries in which to work. We are committed to provide a safe environment for everyone working with Aufbau. By actively empowering every employee, contractor and supplier with the knowledge of how to work safely, and never accepting unsafe behavior, we strive to reach our target of zero accidents.

Our vision is to be a recognized industry leader in Ethics. To us, this means being mindful of who we work with and on which projects. Our goal is to achieve zero ethical breaches – and we will never compromise our standards. This means that in all our projects, our employees, suppliers, subcontractors, agents, joint ventures and other partners understand and live by the ethical values expressed in our Code of Conduct.

We are a local company with the benefits of a large global group. We base our operations on local business units with great knowledge of the respective markets, customers, partners and suppliers. These local units are supported by our financial strength, Group-wide expertise and the Aufbau brand.
